Educational Specifications

Educational Specifications, or “Ed Specs” are design and programming standards meant to inform school facility construction, renovation, and modernization.

Our Vision

PUSD, in partnership with the community, will create a learner-centered environment to ensure our students are life-ready. We will create flexible and resilient spaces that support inquiry-based learning, celebrate our differences, and support our unique needs including emotional and physical health.

These standards are informed by the Four Focus Areas of the Educational Master Plan.

Connecting to the learning needs of each student at the heart of instructional decisions to ensure readiness for post-secondary experiences.
Flexible Spaces
Flexible Spaces
‍Emphasis on providing academic spaces that create dynamic learning environments to support both mental and physical needs.
‍Speaks to our commitment to providing positive, safe, and inclusive environments that promote and support all learners.
Community Partnership
Community Partnership
‍Focused on increased communication, transparency, and relationships to support improved academic outcomes within our school community.
The Purpose of Educational Specifications

Educational Specifications provide a framework to ensure equity for new facilities and guidance for the renovation of existing facilities. 

  1. Define elements of the built environment that will best serve educators and students to ensure the goals of the Educational Master Plan’s 4 Focus Areas are achieved. 
  2. Guide design teams in future construction, modernization, and major space renovation projects. 
  3. Promote the development of equitable facilities across the district with an integrated academic and facility planning structure set forth in this document.
The Purpose of the Educational Master Plan

The Educational Master Plan guides and strengthens all schools’ core academic offerings in conjunction with capital investments that must be made in each facility and throughout the district.

  1. Define the most important academic priorities and goals for student success within Four Focus Areas.
  2. Guide facilities and technology master plans, program development, and distribution of resources to embrace changes to educational pedagogy in the future.
How these documents support a stronger PUSD

The Educational Master Plan and Educational Specifications come together under the umbrella of the Strategic Plan to support the long-term success of Pasadena USD.

Each document lays the groundwork for strategies and implementation plans for facility, student, and educational development.

Download the full Educational Master Plan report
Download the full Educational Specifications report
Download the full Imagine PUSD 2028 Strategic Plan
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Pasadena Unified School District - Facilities Master Plan

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